Hi hi.. i m gonna post something about my brother's graduation
my brother's graduation was at last week 24 november 2011 actually..
my family n my third aunty went to his graduation ceremony

Hall of TARC college
the one who enter the hall were my father and my mother
others if us just waiting at outside
luckily there still had a projector to watch the whole ceremony

that is my brother~!!!

me and my sister
love that flower~ ^^

cant forget this photo forever...
that time my mum ask me to find my brother but unfortunately... i cant find him
after that... i went back to my mum's there and ready to tell her that i cant find my brother but guess what i shall???
they were capturing this photo...!!!

n finally.. here i come~ ^^

my brother and his brother

we whole family ^^

i am the first one who wear his hat~ ^^

happy graduated brother~ ^^

and the second day, we went my popo house to take picture again
my brother keep say very paise... ><

haha~ i am the 1st one again~ XP
"officially" graduated
actually... almost all people wear it after that....

from 9 to 21.. XP