em... ok..
i already DELAY this post for about 1 month.. ><
sorry about that~ i m just toooooo lazy~ XP
these day are busying about assignment assignment and assignment~
lets return to the topic,
1 month ago,
there was a bet between hsiu with yoga and me
this is ours informal contract~ ><
done it by using my cute chicky board along with hsiu's hand writing and our's signature~
我,林绣绣 今天sesi moral 绑两边。 (23/7, 五)
如果没有,我就亲身去dream world唱k。
当事人yoga&kezin合请我一餐。(pizza hut)
时限至 8.30a.m.
当事人(二): (CYJ)
当事人(三: (LKZ)
haha~ suddenly feel like v are so childish ><
three of us were so sampat
this is because hsiu keep asking us to accompany her to tight the hair just like what her say
but of course yoga and me reject it~
em... we dont want spoil our image infront of the senior and junior~
we want to be mature~ mature~~ XP
wahahhaa~ it is just.... too sampat lar~ aiyor~
yoga and me bet hsiu wont dare to do that in the morning
but then.........
taa daa~~
she really did it~!!
omg~ i really cant believe my eyes when saw her in the morning
she said that the main point that she BRAVE to do that is because....
she DONT WANT to treat yoga and me~ >< huh~
me and hsiu~
i m pulling her hair~~ ><
arg arg arg`~
(yoga having class that time)
mei and hsiu~
pi cha~><
so, the conclusion is, yoga and me lose the bet and we need to treat hsiu eat pizza hut...
however...... v havent treat her until now~ XP
maybe she forgot le~ ^^